Hedge Funds of Funds: A Guide for Investors is a
comprehensive guide to investing in hedge funds of funds. Written
by an experienced practitioner in clear, concise and jargon free
language, this book gives an inside view of this often opaque area
and empowers readers with the tools to get to the bottom of how
hedge funds of funds really work.
Key features include:
* A full description of the skill sets and facets needed in all
areas of a hedge funds of funds;
* A wide-ranging set of questions to ask when assessing every
area of a hedge fund of funds;
* Advice on every part of the process when investing in a hedge
fund of funds, from short-listing through to mandate design and
* Two comprehensive practical examples of investment reports on
both a hedge fund and a hedge fund of funds;
* A comprehensive analysis of recent developments in the
* A glossary of hedge fund terminology to help the reader
de-code the jargon associated with the area.
* This book is essential reading for all those interested in
developing depth to their understanding of how to invest in hedge
funds of funds and how they, in turn, invest with hedge
Dr. Chris Jones, London, UK is Chief Investment Officer of
Key Asset Management, one of Europe’s oldest hedge fund
houses managing over $1bn in assets. He has been investing in
hedge funds in a professional capacity since 1994, and previously
worked in this area at Sanlam, State Street Global Advisors and
Liberty Ermitage. Prior to this, he has worked in trading and
asset management capacities at Société Générale
and Crédit Lyonnais. Chris frequently appears in the
hedge fund trade press and on CNBC commenting on hedge funds, and
regularly educates pension plan trustees and other industry
professionals in this area.
Chris has presented lectures, conference papers and seminars at
universities in North America, Europe and Australasia and has
published several papers on trading and investment strategies, risk
management and hedge funds. He has a BA in Mathematics from
Oxford University and a Ph D in Finance from the University of
Cambridge, where he has an ongoing Visiting Associate position and
is an occasional Lecturer.