This book explores the application of psychological theories to tourist behaviour and experiences. It traces the evolution of those theories and how they have changed in response to broader social and economic changes. Among those changes have been the development of tourism, which reflects those social changes and contributes to them. In doing so, tourism theories also contribute to and gain insights from emergent psychological theories including those derived from the neurosciences. The book provides both undergraduate and postgraduate students with an understanding of core psychological perspectives derived from both humanistic and empirical psychology and their application to tourist behaviours and experiences.
Tables and Figures
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Motivations – ‘Push and Pull’
Chapter 3. Expectations and Gap Analysis
Chapter 4. Flow Theory and its Applications to Tourism
Chapter 5. The Concept of the Travel Career
Chapter 6. The Roles Tourists Play
Chapter 7. Authenticity: Types and Roles
Chapter 8. Making the Unfamiliar Familiar: Place Attachment
Chapter 9. Experiencing Holiday Time
Chapter 10. Coda
Xiaoyu (Nancy) Zhang is an Associate Professor at the College of Tourism, Beijing Union University, China. Her research interests include tourist behaviour, as well as film and literary tourism.