ผู้เขียน: Christian Feller

Dr. Tapas Bhattacharyya was born in November, 1956. He is an agricultural graduate and a Ph.D. from the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. As Principal Scientist and Head of Soil Resource Studies Division he worked in the National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS&LUP, Nagpur) under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi for more than 30 years. He worked as a Visiting Scientist, IDC in the ICRISAT, India for a brief period. He worked as a Vice-Chancellor of Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Maharashtra, India. He has been carrying out basic and fundamental research in terms of soil genesis, classification, survey and mapping. He has also been working for various national and international projects with special reference to soil carbon sequestration and soil carbon modelling to address the issues of global warming and climate change. He has more than 200 referred journal papers, review articles and book chapters.

8 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Christian Feller

Steven A Banwart & Elke Noellemeyer: Soil Carbon
This book brings together the essential evidence and policy opportunities regarding the global importance of soil carbon for sustaining Earth’s life support system for humanity. Covering the science …
Edward R. Landa & Christian Feller: Soil and Culture
SOIL: beneath our feet / food and fiber / ashes to ashes, dust to dust / dirt!Soil has been called the final frontier of environmental research. The critical role of soil in biogeochemical processes …
Bernard (IRD, Montepellier, France) Barthes & Christian (IRD – Laboratoire MOST, Montpellier, France) Feller: Soil Erosion and Carbon Dynamics
The most complete, nonpartisan source of information on this hot agronomic topic available today, this book brings together a diverse group of papers and data to resolve the debate between sedimentol …
Bernard (IRD, Montepellier, France) Barthes & Christian (IRD – Laboratoire MOST, Montpellier, France) Feller: Soil Erosion and Carbon Dynamics
The most complete, nonpartisan source of information on this hot agronomic topic available today, this book brings together a diverse group of papers and data to resolve the debate between sedimentol …
Steven A Banwart & Steven A Banwart: Soil Carbon
This book brings together the essential evidence and policy opportunities regarding the global importance of soil carbon for sustaining Earth’s life support system for humanity. Covering the science …
Christian Feller: Swiss GAAP FER
Das Bedürfnis nach einer aussagekräftigen Rechnungslegung ist unvermindert gross. Mit den Swiss GAAP FER steht den KMU, Nonprofit-Organisationen, Personalvorsorgeeinrichtungen, Versicherungsunternehm …
Nikola Patzel & Sabine Grunwald: Cultural Understanding of Soils
Cultural understandings of soil are diverse and often ambiguous. Cultural framing of soils is common worldwide and is highly consequential. The implications of what place the earth has in people’s wo …
Teja Arboleda & Christine Clark: Teacher’s Guide for in the Shadow of Race: Growing Up As a Multiethnic, Multicultural, and Multiracial American
This Teacher’s Guide accompanies In the Shadow of Race: Growing Up as a Multiethnic, Multicultural, and "Multiracial" American by Teja Arboleda. It has a twofold purpose. First, it facilita …