ผู้เขียน: Christian Koeberl

Ulrich Harms is a petrologist working in the field of scientific drilling. He is the Executive Secretary of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program based at the GFZ Potsdam. He organized the ICDP Conference “Continental Scientific Drilling 2005: a decade of progress and challenges for the future” at the GFZ Potsdam. Christian Koeberl studies impact craters, geochemistry, and planetary geology at the University of Vienna, Austria. He is principal investigator of several deep-drilling projects at impact structures, was the chairman of the European Science Foundation “Impact” program, and is a member of the ICDP science advisory group. Mark D. Zoback is a leading expert in geomechanics who specializes on issues related to the state of stress in the earth”s crust. He is Professor of Geophysics at Stanford University and principal investigator in many scientific deep-drilling projects around the world, including the San Andreas Fault Zone Observatory at depth. From 2000 to 2006 he was the chairman of the ICDP science advisory group.

7 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Christian Koeberl

Charles Cockell & Christian Koeberl: Biological Processes Associated with Impact Events
The biological effects of asteroid and comet impacts have been widely viewed as primarily destructive. The role of an impactor in the K/T boundary extinctions has had a particularly important influen …
Christian Koeberl & Herbert Henkel: Impact Tectonics
This volume is the latest of eight books as a result of the activities of the scientific program on ”The Response of the Earth System to Impact Processes” (IMPACT) of the European Science Foundation …
Ulrich Harms & Christian Koeberl: Continental Scientific Drilling
Scientific drilling is an indispensable tool of modern Earth science – search, as it provides the only means of obtaining direct information on processes operating at depth. Drilling allows for the d …
Christian Koeberl & Wylie Poag: Chesapeake Bay Crater
" . . . bangs have replaced whimpers and the geological record has become much more exciting than it was thought to be. " Derek Ager (1993) The New Catastro- phism. Cambridge University Pre …
Christian Koeberl & Francisca Martinez-Ruiz: Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record
The present volume is an outcome of the scientific programme "Response of the Earth System to Impact Processes" (IMPACT) by the European Science Foundation (ESF). The ESF is an association …
Christian Koeberl & Alessandro Montanari: Impact Stratigraphy
This book provides a general introduction to impact stratigraphy, with emphasis on the recognition of distal impact ejecta in the field, by focusing on the impactoclastic layers of the Umbria-Marche …
Katja Broschat & Florian Ströbele: Iron from Tutankhamun’s Tomb
A comprehensive study of the iron objects found in Tutankhamun’s tomb that include daggers, quivers, arrows, and an elaborately decorated bow case A century after Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon’s s …