Now in its third edition, Equine Wound Management is the authoritative resource for both theoretical and practical information on the care of wounds in horses.
* The most comprehensive resource on managing equine wounds
* Organized by body region
* Over 750 color photographs
* Summaries at the beginning of each chapter and highlighted key information aid readers to rapidly find relevant information
* Companion website offers videos, interactive multiple choice questions and answers, case studies, and images from the book for download
About the Editors, vi
List of Contributors, vii
Preface and Acknowledgment, ix
About the Companion Website, x
1 Physiology of Wound Healing, 1
Christine Theoret
2 Differences in Wound Healing between Horses and Ponies, 14
Jacintha M. Wilmink
3 Selected Factors that Negatively Impact Healing, 30
Andrew J. Dart, Albert Sole?-Guitart, Ted S. Stashak, and Christine Theoret
4 Management Practices that Influence Wound Infection and Healing, 47
Andrew J. Dart, Albert Sole?-Guitart, Ted S. Stashak, and Christine Theoret
5 Topical Wound Treatments and Wound?-Care Products, 75
Stine Jacobsen
6 Update on Wound Dressings: Indications and Best Use, 104
Stine Jacobsen
7 Bandaging and Casting Techniques for Wound Management, 132
Updated by Yvonne A. Elce
8 Approaches to Wound Closure, 157
Updated by Yvonne A. Elce
9 Selection of Suture Materials, Suture Patterns, and Drains for Wound Closure, 173
Christophe Celeste
10 Principles and Techniques for Reconstructive Surgery, 200
Ted S. Stashak and Jim Schumacher
11 Management of Wounds of the Head, 231
Spencer Barber and Ted S. Stashak
12 Management of Wounds of the Neck and Body, 280
Spencer Barber
13 Management of Wounds of the Distal Extremities, 312
Jim Schumacher and Ted S. Stashak
14 Degloving Injuries of the Distal Aspect of the Limb, 352
R. Reid Hanson and Jim Schumacher
15 Exuberant Granulation Tissue, 369
Christine Theoret and Jacintha M. Wilmink
16 Diagnosis and Management of Wounds Involving Synovial Structures, 385
Kathryn A. Seabaugh and Gary M. Baxter
17 Tendon and Paratenon Lacerations, 403
Linda A. Dahlgren
18 Free Skin Grafting, 422
Jim Schumacher and Jacintha M. Wilmink
19 Management of Severely Infected Wounds, 449
James A. Orsini, Yvonne A. Elce, and Beth Kraus
20 Treatment of Burn Injuries, Gunshot Wounds, and Dog?-Bite Wounds, 476
R. Reid Hanson and Amelia S. Munsterman
21 Sarcoid Transformation at Wound Sites, 490
Derek C. Knottenbelt, John Schumacher, and Ferenc Toth
22 Innovative Adjunctive Approaches to Wound Management, 508
Christine Theoret, with contributions from: Olivier Lepage – Maggot debridement therapy; Andrew Dart and Andrea Bischofberger – Honey; Bryden Stanley – Negative?-pressure wound therapy; and Judith Koenig – Extra?-corporeal shockwave therapy
Index, 530
Christine L. Theoret DMV, Ph D, Diplomate ACVS is professor of equine surgical anatomy and Director of the Comparative Tissue Healing Laboratory at the University of Montreal.
Jim Schumacher DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS, MRCVS is professor of equine surgery at the University of Tennessee, College of Veterinary Medicine.