I was inspired to write the book RADICALLY CHANGED as a result of my being exposed to people in the downtown eastside skid row of a large city.
Men and women come to the downtown eastside skid row with problems that often seem insurmountable. Many have addictions while, others are traumatized or victimized with little self esteem or self worth. They try to drown their sorrows with mind altering substances. Others have horrible nightmares as a reminder of something often horrendous that had happened to them or to a loved one.
There are those who have done something which they regret. They are sorry but often plagued with memories of what they have done or failed to do.
Men and women abused and beaten down are appalled by what they have suffered at the hands of people they trusted and respected.
Some contemplate suicide in order to end their dependance on drugs or memories which impede their ability to function adequately in society.
the Mission, on the worst street in the country, is a gathering place for those who are plagued with these problems. It is a safe place in the bowels of a hellish existence for many who are forced to live and interact in this setting and sub culture.
When they enter the Mission they feel the caring and concern of the staff and the students from the Bible College. These are loving persons ready to brighten their day, listen to their sordid stories and tell them about Jesus who is their hope.
Those who respond to the invitation and go to the Bible College are rewarded with knowledge and insight into methods of recovering and becoming new creations.
Many have become radically changed. Their life changing adventures are exposed in the pages of this inspirational book.
The author, Christopher Wilson, has been a teacher in the Public School System for twenty six years acquiring a Master’s Degree. He took early retirement and enrolled in Bible college. Upon graduation he was asked to be a volunteer teacher in a Bible College on skid row of a large city. He was also asked to preach and be a Pastor in an affiliated Mission. Never having been on skid row and at times driving that street with doors locked and windows rolled up, he had reservation.
He learned of this Mission and Bible College when doing a prison ministry with his wife. A young Pastor-in-Training told him they needed his skills in their ministry. Upon accepting the challenge, the author was exposed to the sub culture. He taught men and women who came off the streets of skid row to the Mission and then to the Bible College. He became involved in the lives of all types: addicts, gang members, prostitutes, street kids, atheists, alcoholics, the traumatized, abused and the victimized. He has interacted with people from all walks of life during the fourteen years he taught in the Bible College and is still teaching and preaching on skid row.
His book, ‘Radically Changed’ is unique in that he has had interaction with often violent and traumatized persons as well as the educated who needed love and the power of a higher source to change their lives. He has chosen thirty seven of the hundreds of students he has taught in order to expose the often sordid and meaningless lives these students were living before coming to the Bible College. Through knowledge and redemption, their lives have been changed. Giving them hope and a reason to live purposeful lives and help other on their journey through life.