In what may be regarded as his magnum opus, Clark Pinnock explores the vital Christian doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Writing out of wide learning and deep personal passion, he points the way to restoring the oft-neglected Spirit to centrality in the life and witness of the church. Pinnock's book is both catholic—respecting the beliefs and worship of the historic church—and evangelical—drawing particularly on the heritage of the Reformation. Always in sight is the mission of the church, because ‘people want to meet the real and living God and will not be satisfied with a religion that only preaches and moralizes.’ For this second edition, theologian Daniel Castelo draws from his experience using Flame of Love in the classroom to add notes with helpful commentary and brief reflections on each chapter's main themes and contributions. While the classic text is preserved, the book becomes even more accessible to contemporary readers.
Foreword: A Testament to a Pilgrim by Daniel Castelo
1. Spirit and Trinity
The face of the Spirit in the communion of the Holy Trinity
2. Spirit in Creation
The Spirit as Lord and giver of life, who touches creation and moves it toward completion
3. Spirit and Christology
The Spirit anointed Jesus of Nazareth to heal human brokenness from the inside and bring about atonement
4. Spirit and Church
The Spirit indwells the church and is present sacramentally and charismatically to endow it for mission
5. Spirit and Union
The goal of salvation is to live in loving union with God and to participate in the triune nature through the Spirit
6. Spirit and Universality
God desires all to be saved and is found graciously present with every person in every place by the Spirit
7. Spirit and Truth
The Spirit leads the church into truth along the path of mission, enabling it to be timely and fruitful in ministry
Scripture Index
Daniel Castelo (Ph D, Duke University) is William Kellon Quick Professor of Theology and Methodist Studies at Duke Divinity School. He is the author of several books, including Pentecostalism as a Christian Mystical Tradition, Pneumatology: A Guide for the Perplexed, and Confessing the Triune God. He is coauthor of The Marks of Scripture: Rethinking the Nature of the Bible and coeditor of the T and T Clark Handbook of Pneumatology.