This book shows you the progress of mathematics and its uses over time. Readers will clearly see how business, engineering, economics, physics, and other fields contributed to the development of mathematics, and conversely, how these areas have evolved because of this.
The author concentrates on how mathematics has grown in the last four centuries, but also includes the ancient and worldwide history of this subject. He wants you to experience number theory of 400 BCE right on up to Artificial Intelligence of today. Learn about how matrix algebra, invented in China in 300 BCE, was used to solve practical business problems concerning inventory, sales and taxes. It turns out that this same procedure was re-invented in 1800 CE in the Western world. We can marvel at the invention of non-Euclidean geometries and imaginary numbers around 1830. We can sense the emotions on a rollercoaster ride from Hamilton’s jubilance in 1843 when he found the missing piece for his quaternions to Frege’s agony on the receipt of Russell’s letter in 1903.
1. Where Does Mathematics Come f Fom?
2. The Equal sign
3. Breakthroughs
4.The Real Numbers
5. Multidimensional Numbers
6.Binomial Theorem
7. Logic
8. Geometry–The wellspring of Mathematics
9. Matrix Applications
10. Operations Research
11. The Calculus
12. A crisis in Mathematics
Author Information:
My name is Clement E. Falbo and I am a mathematics professor emeritus at Sonoma State University (SSU). I started teaching mathematics in 1958 and received my Ph D in 1963 under the supervision of H. J. Ettlinger from the University of Texas at Austin. I taught mathematics in the California State University System from 1963 to 1999, mostly at Sonoma State University. I regularly taught courses in my field of study, differential equations, analysis and mathematical modeling. My general education courses and business and economics courses, using my own textbooks, were successful and popular. Over the years, I have won awards for my teaching. After retiring in 1999, my wife, Jean, and I served in the Peace Corps, where I taught high school mathematics in Zimbabwe.
I have had several articles published in mathematical journals and I presented numerous papers to professional societies between 1962 and 2012. I will be happy to provide a list of these at your request.
I have previously published three mathematical textbooks:
Finite Mathematics Applied, 1977 Wadsworth Publishing.
Math Odyssey 2000, 1994 Stipes Publishing.
First Year Calculus, An Inquiry Based Learning Approach, 2019 Folio Avenue Publishing.
Major Paper
I have acquired a little bit of fame in mathematics, especially on the internet, for my paper, The Golden Ratio-A contrary viewpoint, published in the College Mathematics Journal March 2005. It challenged a widely-held misconception about a number called the ‘golden ratio.’ This paper rectified a mathematical anomaly that had caused this topic to evolve it into a popular mythology, most notably in describing the shape of sea shells.
Curriculum Vitae:
Clement Earl Falbo
P. O. Box 606
Joseph, OR 97846
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone 541 432 6309 or 541 263 1415
Educational Background:
BA in Mathematics, 1956, University of Texas, Austin
MA in Mathematics, 1958, University of Texas, Austin
Ph D in Mathematics 1963, University of Texas, Austin
1951-54, U. S. Navy
1958-60, San Antonio Junior College, instructor in mathematics
1960-63, University of Texas, instructor in mathematics
1963-64, Fresno State University, Assistant Professor of mathematics
1964-99, Sonoma State university, Professor of mathematics
I taught all undergraduate mathematics, probability and statistic courses as well as computer language courses. I served on and chaired multiple academic faculty committees and administrative positions during my 35 years a Sonoma State University.
Teaching Awards:
1990 Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise award
1994 Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce ‘Excellence in Education Award’
Certificate of congressional Recognition U. S. Congress and California State Senate
1994 Nominated by Sonoma State University for the Carnegie Foundation’s U. S. Professor of the year
2005 Recognition for volunteer Service Santa Rosa Recreation and Parks.
Volunteer service: 1999-2001, served together with my wife Jean in the U. S. Peace Corps in Zimbabwe-she taught science and I taught mathematics in high school.