Stroke is the third leading killer in the US, and death rates in African Americans are 2 to 6 times those of Whites. Until now, no single book provided clinicians with a comprehensive text on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of stroke and sequela in Black patients. The first section deals with relevant pathology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation and diagnostic work-up of stroke subtypes that commonly affect Blacks. The next section focuses on the epidemiology and primary prevention of stroke in African Americans and African populations outside the US. Incidence, prevalence and mortality statistics are reviewed, in addition to the role of risk factors and the impact of primary prevention. The third section reviews studies on acute treatment of stroke in African Americans, secondary prevention studies, medical management of the stroke patient, diagnosis and treatment of late sequela such as vascular dementia, rehabilitation, and a summary of practical guidelines for diagnosis and treatment. Clinical neurologists, rehabilitation specialists, clinical researchers, cardiovascular clinicians, epidemiologists, and public health professionals, as well as primary care physicians, will find this long-awaited book a valuable and lasting reference.