Most people go through life without understanding the purpose of their existence or how their past reincarnations keep affecting their decisions and emotions in the present time, and even interfering with the dynamics of their relationships.
Although we don’t necessarily always find someone we met in a previous life, it is a fact that, due to our predisposed energy field and the way it is arranged, we tend to always be drawn towards those with whom we have an emotional connection with, and for good or for worse. That connection tends to find reasons within our karmic path.
As you can see, one way or another, we are attracted to what is beautiful or broken. But the outside is always a reflection of the inside, and both elements of reality complement one another. The physical world is nothing but the theatre of our spiritual manifestations and learnings.
Indeed, there are different reasons behind our many behaviors and thoughts, most of which are much older than we want to believe. The physical aspect of them is nothing but a form of justification within a wider spectrum related to our own eternal growth.
The more you understand this and learn to actually see it, the faster you will be in learning how to make proper decisions towards your most desired outcomes.
In this book, you will gain a better perception of how karma affects your life, and how previous reincarnations affect the way you think. You will also learn how to clean your karma, how to find your soulmate, and how to keep a healthy relationship with someone you have met in another life.
Ultimately, the path that is unveiled here, will guide you in finding your true self, while identifying the traits that can make you a better person.
Most likely, what makes this book completely unique, among so many others on this topic, is that while it was being written, it was also happening to the author himself. Basically, the author found a soulmate during the editing process and decided to include here an in-depth analysis of the story, to help his readers in understanding the topic with a pragmatic and honest approach to it, and without occulting any personal aspects.
The parallel between the theory, the analysis, and the reality, will guide you towards finding real love in the most comprehensive way possible.
- Introduction
- How to Recognize Your Karmic Relationships
- Why Your Soulmate Can Be a Stubborn Soul
- How to Identify a Karmic Connection Within You
- How Your Spiritual State Influences Your Soulmate
- The Meanings Behind the Emotional Chaos
- The Importance of Accepting Your Soulmate
- Why People Reject Their Soulmate
- How to Recognize Behavior Patterns in a Soulmate
- How I Found a Great Soulmate
- How to Accept Your Karmic Challenges
- How to Overwrite Your Fear Patterns
- Why Faith in Your Karmic Path is So Important
- The Importance of Your Decisions
- The Connection Between Desires and Reincarnations
- The Self-Deceptive Path of the Personality
- How Karma Emerges From Emotional Connections
- The Relationship Between Reincarnation and the Ego
- The Countries Where You Should Look for a Soulmate
- The Challenges of the Most Developed Souls
- Why Do People Fear Believing in Past Lives?
- Why Do We Allow Our Fears to Destroy Our Dreams?
- Why Do We Need to Confront Our Karmic Cycles?
- The Influence of Karma in Our Spiritual Purpose
- Why Love Reappears in a New Life
- Why Relationships Between Soulmates Fail
- When Two Soulmates Have a Quarrel
- Why Karma Destroys Relationships
- Why We Allow The Past to Repeat Itself
- Why Soulmates are Usually Different Individuals
- The Mental Battle Between Soul and Society
- The Transition Between Our Emotional Dilemmas
- Why Do We Repeat The Same Stories
- The Importance of Sex Between Soulmates
- The Spiritual Consequences of Promiscuity
- The Meaning of Reincarnation in Our Personal Life
- Why are People Irresponsible about their Karma
- How Many Types of Relationship Exist?
- Why Most People Can’t Change?
- How To Accept Love Between Soulmates?
- Understanding Karmic Love Between Soulmates
- The Third Hidden Element in All Relationships
- When and Who Should We Forgive?
- Who Deserves Love the Most?
- The Soulmates You Can’t Accept
- How Do People Make Themselves Suffer
- Karma and the Obsession with Manipulation