New essays on diverse topics from the Age of Goethe, with a special section on Goethe scholarship’s role in the establishment of Germanistik.
Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the
Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world.
Volume 19 of the
Goethe Yearbook continues to investigate the connection between Goethe’s scientific theories and his aesthetics, with essays on his optics and his plant morphology. A special section examines the central role that Goethe philology has had in establishing practices that shaped the history of
Germanistik as a whole. The yearbookalso includes essays on legal history and the novella, Goethe
Lieder, esoteric mysticism in
Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, and Werther’s sexual pathology. The volume also includes three essays re-examining Goethe’s aesthetics in the context of the history of deconstruction, as well as the customary book review section.
Contributors: Beate Allert, Frauke Berndt, Sean Franzel, Stefan Hajduk, Bernd Hamacher, Jeffrey L. High, Francien Markx, Lavinia Meier-Ewert, Ansgar Mohnkern, Rüdiger Nutt-Kofoth, Edward T. Potter, Chenxi Tang, Robert Walter.
Daniel Purdy is Associate Professor of German at Pennsylvania State University. Book review editor Catriona Mac Leod is Associate Professor of German at the University of Pennsylvania.
Towards a German Romantic Concept of the Ballad:Goethe’s ‘Johanna Sebus’ and Its Musical Interpretations by Zelter and Reichardt
‘Trübe’ as the Source of New Color Formation in Goethe’s Late Works Entoptische Farben (1817-20)and Chromatik (1822)
The Myth of Otherness: Goethe on Presence
The Transformation of the Law of Nations and the Reinvention of the Novella: Legal History and Literary Innovation from Boccaccio’s Decameron to Goethe’s Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten
‘Hear him! hört ihn!’: Scholarly Lecturing in Berlinand the Popular Style of Karl Philipp Moritz
Hypochondria, Onanism, and Reading in Goethe’s Werther
Judex! Blasphemy! and Posthumous Conversion: Schiller and (No) Religion
Esoterik der ‘Macht, die über uns waltet und alleszum Besten lenkt’: Das Wissen vom Anderen in Goethes Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre
Goethes Fortgepflanztes: Zur Unbegrifflichkeitder Morphologie
Goethe und Goethe-Philologie als Muster derneugermanistischen Editionswissenschaft: Eine Skizzemit Blick auf literaturwissenschaftsgeschichtliche Kontexte
‘Aus dieser fingierten Welt in eine ähnliche wirklicheversetzt’?: Die Theorie der Autobiografie und ein postmoderner Goethe
‘Man sucht einen Mittelpunkt und das ist schwerund nicht einmal gut’: Figurationen der Verdopplungin Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahren
Book Reviews