Written specifically for all FE and post-16 teachers, this book will help you to develop your digital capabilities and give you the skills to convert traditional learning and teaching resources into engaging and interactive online material.
The impact of the pandemic means that it is abundantly clear to all that digital capability is vital for learners, no matter what subject they study. You should therefore develop your digital capabilities as a basic competence in order to embrace current digital tools, apps and techniques to the pedagogy of teaching FE. The book provides you with the knowledge and skills required to source information learning technology (ILT) and content to convert traditional learning and teaching resources into engaging and interactive online material.
It is designed around each aspect of the teaching and training cycle – identifying needs, planning and designing, delivering and facilitating, assessing and evaluating – and includes:
- when to use ILT / e Learning
- barriers to implementing digital learning
- the importance of digital capabilities
- ways of keeping up to date and continuing professional development.
Foreword and introduction
Daniel Scott began his learning technology career in further education, in the context of teacher education and learning support. He uses his extensive experience to provide digital, academic and strategic leadership and operational management in the pedagogical and technical design and application of learning technologies to create and support effective and innovative digital learning experiences in healthcare higher education. He holds a Technology Enhanced Learning MSc, Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Authority (SFHEA) and Senior Certified Membership of the Association for Learning Technology (SCMALT). He is qualified in teaching, assessing, lead internal verification, management and leadership, and information technology and computing. He is the winner of the ALT Learning Technologist of the Year Award 2016 (individual category).