The biggest section of this powerful report is the Affiliate Marketing A-Z. Here the most commonly used terms in affiliate marketing are explained in the simplest terms so that the reader can easily understand them. These are the terms explained in the report:Ad blockers Advertiser Affiliate campaign Affiliate disclosure Affiliate link Affiliate manager Affiliate network Affiliate offer Affiliate program Average order value (AOV)Bonuses Click through rates (CTR)Conversion rate Cookies Cost per action (CPA)Cost per lead (CPL)Cost per sale (CPS)Data feeds Earnings per click (EPC)Impressions Landing page Leads Niche markets Pay per click (PPC)Return on investment (ROI)Search engine optimization (SEO)Split Testing Tracking links Two tier affiliate programs Affiliate Marketing A-Z is the ultimate resource which provides a ton of value to your readers. Your visitors will definitely want to opt in to obtain this powerful report.