A series which is a model of its kind EDMUND KING, HISTORY
The contributions collected in this volume demonstrate the full range and vitality of current work on the Anglo-Norman period in a variety of disciplines. They begin with Elisabeth van Houts’ Allen Brown Memorial Lecture, which makes a major contribution to understanding the culture of early tenth-century Normandy. A number of essays deal illuminatingly with monastic culture (both male and female) and with associated literary production, from the making ofthe famous Worcester cartularies to new insights into the cultural world of forgery. Reading in the monastic refectory, the high-quality of female monastic administration, the history of charters for lay beneficiaries in the kingdom of Scots, attitudes to women and power, and an exciting article on the nature of maritime communities on both sides of the Channel also feature, and there is a provocative and fascinating comparison of Henry II’s and Frederick Barbarossa’s respective treatments of their families.
David Bates is Professorial Fellow, University of East Anglia.
Contributors: Ilya Afanasyev, Mathieu Arnoux, Robert F. Berkhofer III, Laura Cleaver, Matthew Hammond, Elisabeth van Houts, Susan M. Johns, Catherine Letouzey-Réty, Alheydis Plassmann, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, Andrew Wareham, Teresa Webber, Emily A. Winkler.
Editor’s Preface – David Bates
Planctus on the Death of William Longsword [943] as a Source for Tenth-Century Culture in Normandy and Aquitaine – Elisabeth M C van Houts
Biblical Vocabulary and National Discourse in Twelfth-Century England – Ilya Afanasyev
Border, Trade Route, or Market? The Channel and the Medieval European Economy from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Century – Mathieu Arnoux
Guerno the Forger and his Confession – Robert F. Berkhofer III
From Codex to Roll: Illustrating History in the Anglo-Norman World in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries – Laura Cleaver
The Adoption and Routinization of Scottish Royal Charter Production for Lay Beneficiaries, 1124- 1195 – Matthew Hammond
Women and Power in the
Roman de Rou of Wace – Susan M. Johns
Literacy and Estate Administration in a Great Anglo-Norman Nunnery: Holy Trinity, Caen, in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries – Catherine Letouzey-Réty
The King and His Sons: Henry II’s and Frederick Barbarossa’s Succession Strategies Compared – Alheydis Plassmann
In vinea Sorech laborare: The Cultivation of Unity in Twelfth-Century Monastic Historiography – Sigbjorn Olsen Sonnesyn
The Redaction of Cartularies and Economic Upheaval in western England c.996-1096 – Andrew Wareham
Monastic Space and the Use of Books in the Anglo-Norman Period – Teresa Webber
1074 in the Twelfth Century – Emily A. Winkler
Robert F. Berkhofer III is associate professor of medieval history at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan.