For many years I have wanted to commit some thoughts to paper and this is a random collection of ideas that have just poured out.
Some are true; others are based on fact while the remainder are ideas that just came into my head.
Many friends who read my stories have enjoyed them and encouraged me to publish them in a book form.
So what you have here is a miscellany or as my Brother in Law described them a box of assorted assortments.
I hope that readers will enjoy my deliberations and perhaps smile, recall a similar event in their past or maybe shed a tear.
But most of all enjoy.
David S. Smith.
The Stonnall Brigade is David’s second book and is an assortment of short stories some taken from his personal experiences while others have their origins in a random selection of thoughts and ideas.
Whether they are seen as gentle reading at bedtime or a way of passing time between stations it is hoped that they bring back memories of earlier years, provoke a smile or generate a thought. In any case you are sure to enjoy them.
David’s first book “Lily, ” is a historical account of his mother’s life from before the First World War to the end of the Second World War.
David was born into a war torn Birmingham in the middle of an air raid in 1940 and shortly after the family home was hit by enemy action.
His career has covered the marketing of regional newspapers, running companies as diverse as West End Theatre ticketing to a computer company and fashion magazines. He went on to launch his own advertising and PR agency before entering the world of politics becoming leader of Lichfield District Council and later serving as Council Chairman.
He was responsible for the construction and early development of the Lichfield Garrick Theatre and made a significant contribution to the economic development of the district. He played a major role both regionally and nationally when he was chairman of the West Midlands Regional Assembly. David is also an elected member of Staffordshire County Council.
David is married with two children and is also a grandfather.