Leadership takes on a tone of urgency when we are struggling for justice. At the same time, the right to lead – the agency to embrace a leadership identity – can also feel more distant when we are marginalized by the dominant society. For bilingual education teachers working with immigrant communities, the development of critical consciousness, pride in the cultural and linguistic resources of the bilingual community, the vocabulary to name and face marginalization, and a strong professional network are fundamental to their development of professional identities as leaders and advocates. Based on the experiences of 53 Spanish-English bilingual teachers in Central Texas, this book aims to explore, define, and understand bilingual teacher leadership. It merges the themes of leadership, teacher preparation and bilingual education and is essential reading for bilingual or ESL teachers, teacher educators and researchers serving an increasingly transnational/translingual student body.
Chapter 1: Why Bilingual Teacher Leadership?
Chapter 2: Literature Review: Defining Bilingual Teacher Leadership (with Kimberly Strong)
Chapter 3: Developing Teacher Agency and Identity in Bilingual/Bicultural Educational Contexts: Critical Pedagogies for Hope and Transformation
Chapter 4: The Proyecto Maestría Program and the Teachers
Chapter 5: Bilingual Teacher Leaders are Reflexive Practitioners
Chapter 6: Bilingual Teacher Leaders are Cultural/Linguistic Brokers
Chapter 7: Bilingual Teacher Leaders are Collaborators
Chapter 8: Conclusion: Bilingual Teacher Leaders are Advocates and Change Agents
Deborah K. Palmer is Professor of Equity, Bilingualism and Biliteracy in the School of Education at the University of Colorado Boulder. A former DL bilingual teacher in California and bilingual teacher educator in Texas, she conducts qualitative research in culturally/linguistically diverse settings with particular focus on equity in dual language bilingual programs. Her interests include bilingual education policy and politics; critical dual language bilingual education; teacher preparation for linguistically/culturally diverse teaching contexts; teacher advocacy and activism; and issues of language, power and identity in schools. Her 2018 book, “Bilingual Teacher Leadership for Social Change” published by Multilingual Matters, explores and defines teacher agency, activism and leadership for bilingual educators. Her articles have appeared in a range of journals, including Theory Into Practice, Review of Research in Education, TESOL Quarterly, Language Policy, and the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.