This book holds survivor accounts of misogyny in the mental health system and asks if the mental health system is intrinsically sexist and damaging to women. With psychiatry’s dubious history of labelling insubordinate Victorian women, right up to modern times where the labels have changed but not the misogyny behind it. Cuckoo’s Nest Books is a survivor run book project set up to counter the fact that in most mental health archives and libraries, the mental health survivor voice is in the extreme minority. ‘Why should the people who’ve never visited a land be that country’s prime historians? How can we tell our true stories when our words are seen as sickness? This book is our truth.
My arts practices crosses writing, performance, film and visual art. My work is seen as subversive, humorous and radical. I am interested in debate and social experiment around themes of madness, sanity, the other, and acceptable behaviours, from an unusual and unconventional position of power. I am interested in this because I have been labelled mad, although I think my challenging of inequality and vicious systems of the ‘normal’ world makes perfect sense. I am interested in society’s perception of mental health and madness – whether people think ‘it’s all in the head’ and not a response to social and political issues. Madness is partly political.