Den found that making things work properly was satisfying. He left school with a certificate in Metalwork and English Literature, not totally unique. He took an interest in engines, such as the engine in his Moto-Rumi scooter, and then hands-on experience nursing the engine of a Ford Prefect. He was a natural people-person, and enjoyed assisting people, strong on what is now called Customer Service. He became Sales Director for a car dealership: he never had to sell a single car, and yet was very successful. He discovered he was a born story teller. When he started telling a story, no one moved away until he had finished. And for half a century he has entertained people with one extraordinary story after another. One fine day he became tired of talking and set about writing the story of the trip to last a lifetime, a trip he had made with a friend half a century before. Two young men on a journey. That book is in your hands. He will not have to sell a single copy. The book will sell itself. He might write another one. Metalwork and English Literature were early indicators of where his life would go. He now lives with his one and only wife, in south-west France. He helps people, and people help him. He tells stories and people listen. He hopes you enjoy the time you spend with him.
1 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Denis T. Logan
Denis T. Logan: The Lane Via Benghazi
This book will not leave you alone! You would not want it to. St. Albans, Hertfordshire (UK), cathedral, first Christian martyr in England, charm and not far north of London. Den (21) and Derek (25) …