A state-of-the-art reference on educational ethnography edited by leading journal editors
This book brings an international group of writers together to offer an authoritative state-of-the-art review of, and critical reflection on, educational ethnography as it is being theorized and practiced today—from rural and remote settings to virtual and visual posts. It provides a definitive reference point and academic resource for those wishing to learn more about ethnographic research in education and the ways in which it might inform their research as well as their practice.
Engaging in equal measure with the history of ethnography, its current state-of play as well as its prospects, The Wiley Handbook of Ethnography of Education covers a range of traditional and contemporary subjects—foundational aims and principles; what constitutes ‘good’ ethnographic practice; the role of theory; global and multi-sited ethnographic methods in education research; ethnography’s many forms (visual, virtual, auto-, and online); networked ethnography and internet resources; and virtual and place-based ethnographic fieldwork.
- Makes a return to fundamental principles of ethnographic inquiry, and describes and analyzes the many modalities of ethnography existing today
- Edited by highly-regarded authorities of the subject with contributions from well-known experts in ethnography
- Reviews both classic ideas in the ethnography of education, such as “grounded theory”, “triangulation”, and “thick description” along with new developments and challenges
- An ideal source for scholars in libraries as well as researchers out in the field
The Wiley Handbook of Ethnography of Education is a definitive reference that is indispensable for anyone involved in educational ethnography and questions of methodology.
Notes on Contributors ix
Introduction 1
Dennis Beach, Carl Bagley, and Sofia Marques da Silva
Part One 15
1 Recognizable Continuity: A Defense of Multiple Methods 17
Geoffrey Walford
2 Lived Forms of Schooling: Bringing the Elementary Forms of Ethnography to the Science of Education 31
Mats Trondman, Paul Willis, and Anna Lund
3 Tales of Working Without/Against a Compass: Rethinking Ethical Dilemmas in Educational Ethnography 51
Barbara Dennis
4 Communities of Practice and Pedagogy 71
Sara Delamontand Paul Atkinson
5 Critical Bifocality 91
Lois Weisand Michelle Fine
6 Ethnographic Writing 113
Bob Jeffrey
7 What Can Be Learnt?: Educational Ethnography, the Sociology of Knowledge, and Ethnomethodology 135
Christoph Maeder
Part Two 151
8 Changing Conceptions of Culture and Ethnography in Anthropology of Education in the United States 153
Margaret Eisenhart
9 Ethnography of Schooling in England: A History and Assessment of Its Early Development 173
Martyn Hammersley
10 Latin American Educational Ethnography 195
Diana Milsteinand Angeles Clemente
11 Curriculum, Ethnography, and the Context of Practice in the Field of Curriculum Policies in Brazil 215
Alice Casimiro Lopesand Maria de Lourdes Rangel Tura
12 Ethnographic Research in Schools: Historical Roots and Developments with a Focus on Germany and Switzerland 233
Anja Sieber Eggerand Gisela Unterweger
13 Ethnography and Education in an African Context 257
Maropeng Modibaand Sandra Stewart
Part Three 323
14 Visual Ethnography in Education 325
Gunilla Holm
15 Lost in Performance? Rethinking and Reworking the Methodology of Educational Ethnography: Artistic and Performance Perspectives 355
Jim Mienczakowski
16 Staging Resistance: Theatres of the Oppressed 375
Norman K. Denzin
17 Agential Realism and Educational Ethnography: Guidance for Application from Karen Barad’s New Materialism and Charles Sanders Peirce’s Material Semiotics 403
Jerry Lee Rosiek
18 Multi‐sited Global Ethnography and Elite Schools: A Methodological Entrée 423
Jane Kenway, Johannah Fahey, Debbie Epstein, Aaron Koh, Cameron Mc Carthy, and Fazal Rizvi
19 Educational Ethnography In and For a Mobile Modernity 443
Martin Forsey
20 On Network(ed) Ethnography in the Global Education Policyscape 455
Carolina Junemann, Stephen J. Ball, and Diego Santori
21 Autoethnography Comes of Age: Consequences, Comforts, and Concerns 479
Andrew C. Sparkes
22 Positionality and Standpoint: Situated Ethnographers Acting in On-and Offline Contexts 501
Sofia Marques da Silvaand Joan Parker Webster
Part Four 513
23 Ethnography of Education: Thinking Forward, Looking Back 515
Dennis Beach, Carl Bagley, and Sofia Marques da Silva
Notes 533
Index 549
DENNIS BEACH, Ph D, is Professor of Education at the Faculty of Education and Special Education at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden and at the Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT at the University of Borå, Sweden.
CARL BAGLEY, Ph D, is Professor of Educational Sociology and Head of the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work at Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland.
SOFIA MARQUES DA SILVA, Ph D, is a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto and researcher at CIIE – Educational Research and Intervention Centre in Portugal.