The book is dedicated to a compilation of diverse and creative landscapes which occur in games. Being part of a game setting, these landscapes trigger social construction processes in specific ways. A selection of twenty-four research articles addresses the social constructions of landscapes represented in analogue, digital and hybrid game formats as well as their theoretical framing and future perspectives.
Theoretical Appraoches.- Analog Worlds.- Digital Worlds.- Hybrid Worlds.- Further development and perspective.
Dr. Dennis Edler studied Geography and English/American Studies at the Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) and at the University College Cork (UCC), Ireland; M.Sc. in Geography, specializing in Geomatics, at the RUB; since 2015 senior lecturer at the RUB Department of Geography, with teaching and research focus on Cartography and Geographic Information Science; 2020: habilitation in Geography
Dr. Dr. Olaf Kühne studied geography, sociology, modern history and geology at the universities of Saarland and Hagen; since 2016 professor of urban and regional development at the University of Tübingen
Dr. Corinna Jenal studied Political Science, German Studies and Philosophy at the University of Trier; Certificate in Sustainability Science at the University of Saarland; since 2016 research assistant in the Department of Geosciences at the Chair of Urban and Regional Development at the University of Tübingen