Introduction ~ Aaron Pycroft and Dennis Gough
Multi-agency working and the governance of crime control ~ Dennis Gough
From a trained incapacity to professional resistance in criminal justice ~ Aaron Pycroft
A time of change: the expanding role of Police and Crime Commissioners in local criminal justice delivery ~ Barry Loveday and Sue Roberts
Integrated offender management: a brave new world or business as usual? ~ Andy Williams
MAPPA: sex offenders and managing ‘the other’ in the community ~ Mike Nash
Protection and prevention: identifying, managing and monitoring priority perpetrators of domestic abuse ~ Jacki Tapley and Zoë Jackson
Policing a diverse society: the community based rationale for multi-agency working ~ Claudia Cox
The development of the police role in safeguarding children ~ John Fox
Hate crime, policing and multi-agency partnership working ~ Jemma Tyson and Nathan Hall
The complexity of partnerships in the UK Counter Terrorism Strategy. What might we learn from contemporary efforts to counter hate crime? ~ John Grieve
Interviewing children as suspects: the need for a child-centred approach ~ Lesley Laver
Culture Club Assemble! The powerful role of multi-agent relationships in prison habilitation ~ Sarah Lewis
Integrated secure care pathways for people with complex needs: service user, policy and practice perspectives ~ Graham Noyce
Removing the ‘dual’ and working with the presenting diagnosis: core processes of change ~ Anita Green and Aaron Pycroft
Offenders with mental health needs in the criminal justice system: the multi-agency challenge to provide solution-focused responses ~ Jane Winstone
Enforcement and rehabilitation: challenges to partnership working with substance using offenders ~ Marie-Edith Tiquet
The decline of youth offending teams: towards a progressive and positive youth justice ~ Nicholas Pamment