The Very Hungry Bear is about respect, apologizing and correcting your mistakes.
Well mama bear woke up after a long winter’s nap, we’ll call that-hibernation.
Once she stepped out of her cave, she stretched, let out a big sound then headed for the stream filled with fish. Bear was so hungry that on the way to the stream, she ate Rabbit’s and Fox’s food (OH, no!). She promised that she would replace their food, but when Bear headed to the stream, beautiful song birds reminded her that Fox and Rabbit were hungry too and she needed to replace their food then head to the stream. They sang, Stop and think before you eat, well did Bear listen? What do you think Bear did?
DIRDURA WYNN is an Early Child-hood educator and operates Wynn’s. Licensed home Childcare, from her home. As an educator she provides very young children with tools they need to make conscious and informed choices, by developing their social and emotional. skills. She offer extended tools to children and their families for their home environments.She has been writing poetry for over 25 years, one of her poems is featured in the Anthology, entitled- The Kente Cloth, The African American Voice In Texas- Published in 1995- The poem was ‘The Cycle’ now has in the past 3 years have 3 published books, The Very Hungry Bear, Spider’s New Friend and a book of poems entitled Inspirational Winds. She hopes that you enjoy reading each of them.