Dr. Jürgen Schluhmbohm ist Historiker am Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte in Göttingen; apl. Professor an der Universität Oldenburg.
4 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Dominik Collet
Dominik Collet & Maximilian Schuh: Famines During the ʻLittle Ice Ageʼ (1300-1800)
This highly interdisciplinary book studies historical famines as an interface of nature and culture. It will bring together researchers from the natural and social sciences as well as the humanities. …
Sven Petersen & Dominik Collet: Umwelten
This volume focuses on nature, religion and politics – three ‘environments’ of early modernity. Exemplary studies from pietism research, historical disaster studies, interdisciplinary environmental h …
Dominik Collet: Die doppelte Katastrophe
Am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts durchlebte Europa, im Zuge einer extremen Klimaanomalie der Kleinen Eiszeit eine der schwersten Hungerkrisen seiner Geschichte. Das fatale Zusammenspiel von Klima und Kul …
Olaf Breidbach & Stefano Poggi: Jahrbuch für Europäische Wissenschaftskultur 8 (2013–2015)
Academic collections – spanning the arts, sciences, and medicine – are a prominent feature of many major universities. But the history of these collections, and the cultures that have cultivated them …