What’s your cat up to when you’re not around? Do dragons exist? Are clouds alive? Why did three men risk their lives for a single penguin egg? These are just a few of the questions and stories puzzled over by award-winning travel writer and naturalist Don Pinnock in this collection assembled from years of wandering around Africa. A funny, entertaining and thought-provoking book.
Dr Don Pinnock is an investigative journalist and photographer who, some time back, realised he knew nothing about the natural world. So he set out to discover it. This took him to five continents – including Antarctica – and resulted in five books on natural history and hundreds of articles about his travels. His other books include Gang Town, which won the City Press Tafelberg Non-Fiction award, and a biography of the journalist Ruth First. He has degrees in criminology, political science and African history, and is a former editor of Getaway magazine.