ผู้เขียน: Doug Krikorian

Doug Krikorian chronicled the Los Angeles sporting scene for forty-four years—twenty-two at the Los Angeles Herald Examiner and twenty-two at the Long Beach Press Telegram. He covered all the major football, basketball, baseball, boxing and hockey events during that time, and was known for his pungent views on a variety of subjects. He resides in the Long Beach enclave of Naples.

2 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Doug Krikorian

Doug Krikorian: Los Angeles Sports Memories
For five decades, distinguished sportswriter Doug Krikorian chronicled LA’s most transcendent sports moments. Revisit revered columns enshrining iconic achievements like when rookie Magic Johnson sco …
Doug Krikorian: Between the Bylines
A sportswriter’s deeply personal memoir of the love that turned his life around, and the struggle to overcome his wife’s tragic death.   Doug Krikorian beat deadlines and made headli …