This book and study guide is written to be a disrupter, to prompt people to discuss sin in a way they have never discussed it before. We often define this word in simple terms; however, the regulation of this word on our lives is often not so simple, and the eradication of sin from our lives is even more difficult. I believe it’s time we have a discussion about the complexities of this three-letter word called sin, and I believe we can begin with the model found in this book. The question we must ask ourselves is: Could there be a well-thought-out trap to capture our souls?
A little about me as an author. I am the father of three beautiful adult children, and all are successful in their own rights as productive human being contributing to making this world a better place. I am a proud grandfather of five perfect and beautiful grandbabies ranging from 5 – 13 years old. Each personality expressing the stamp of God’s individuality.As a pastor and public speaker, I have interacted with many people across the globe who love God with all their hearts and are diligent in their time of worship but are not walking in their calling. I believe when people are not walking in their calling, they are not fulfilling their purpose. If your calling is to love unconditionally than you need to do it as though there’s no tomorrow. If your calling is to encourage than you must not let anything prevent you from fulfilling your calling and purpose. And we must not compare our calling with other callings but stand in humble humility that our Sovereign God has called us to live out our purpose as reflectors of His love.Writing and ministry is a calling that challenges me with each experience and keeps me humbled before God because I know that without Him, I can do nothing. This book was written to not just to be a blessing for individuals attempting to understand the progressive nature of sin but for those wrestling with addictions of all kinds. I wrote this book as a study guide because I did not want people to just read it and put it down. 2 Timothy 2:15 reads, Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. My prayer is that small groups around the world will begin an In-depth conversion on the progressive sin nature and how to avoid it. I believe the state of our world is reflective of the urgency of this conversation.