The Fly Fishers Playbook, a Systematic Approach to Nymph Fly Fishing, has been five years in the making. With a focus on nymph fly fishing, The Playbook, combines basic skills and fundamentals with an advanced systematic approach that is designed to allow every level of fly fisher to utilize it. The Playbook is something you will design and develop to fit your strengths and weaknesses, and its foundation is built around an overall knowledge of how to attack a river with nymphs. As you continue to hone your skills and bolster your strengths, your Playbook will become comprehensive as it evolves with you.
The Playbook has helped hundreds of fly fishers become better at nymphing techniques because it takes out the guesswork and replaces it with clear practical options to best match presented conditions. This book examines everything from basic gear and how to read a river and the fish, to how to present a perfect drift while you dissect the river as you present nymphs to waiting fish. Although its an intricate system, its simple to breakdown and follow, and anglers of all levels will reap its benefits.
Written in a clear conversational style, you will enjoy reading the Playbook as you gain knowledge of how to approach a river from a professional guides prospective.The Playbook is the real deal.
Duane Redford, a professional fly fishing guide, began fly fishing at the age of ten and fueled his passion in the lakes and streams in the mountains of Arizona. He feels fortunate to have fished all over the Rocky Mountain West. As a retired public school teacher and coach, Duane finds that his passion for fly fishing and his enthusiasm for teaching work collaboratively in taking his clients to new heights. Duane is proud to have developed a systematic approach to nymph fly fishing that eliminates guesswork and incorporates fundamental skills that will benefit fly fisher’s of all skill levels.
The Playbook approach has helped hundreds of people become better fly fishers. If you are looking to become a more accomplished angler, this is it.