Bridge, as any player will tell you, is simply the best card gameever. It’s challenging–each hand presents a differentset of conditions you must figure out and solve. It’s verysocial–you play with a partner and two opponents. And best ofall–it’s fun.
Bridge For Dummies, 2E gives you a step-by-stepexplanation of the fundamentals of the game in terms you canunderstand. It walks you through the different aspects of bridge, featuring real-life examples, so that you can feel comfortable withthe basics before you ever start to play. And if you’re alreadyexperienced at the game, you’ll discover a wealth of tips and hintsthat can make you a better player. You’ll learn all about:
* The basics of nontrump play
* How to play the hand in a trump contract
* Bidding for fun and profit
* Taking advantage of advanced bidding techniques
* Playing a strong defense and keeping score
* Playing bridge on your computer
* Playing in bridge clubs and tournaments
* Where to find other great bridge resources
This newly revised edition features an expanded section onplaying bridge online, with updated web addresses and otherresources, along with new information on the latest biddingtechniques. For anyone from novice to pro wanting to learn bridgeor learn techniques to improve their game, Bridge For Dummies, 2E makes an ideal partner!
Part I : Beginning with Basic Notrump Play.
Chapter 1: Going to Bridge Boot Camp.
Chapter 2: Counting and Taking Sure Tricks.
Chapter 3: Using Winning Trick Techniques at Notrump Play.
Chapter 4: Outsmarting Your Opponents at Notrump Play.
Part II: Playing the Hand in a Trump Contract.
Chapter 5: Introducing Trump Suits.
Chapter 6: Creating Extra Winners and Discarding Losers.
Chapter 7: Establishing the Dummy’s Long Suit.
Chapter 8: Getting Rid of Losers by Using the Dummy’s Trump Cards.
Part III: Bidding for Fun and Profit.
Chapter 9: Starting with Bidding Basics.
Chapter 10: Making a Successful Opening Bid.
Chapter 11: Responding to an Opening Bid.
Chapter 12: Rebidding by the Opener.
Chapter 13: Rebidding by the Responder.
Part IV: Taking Advantage of Advanced Bidding Techniques.
Chapter 14: Creating Interference: Defensive Bidding.
Chapter 15: Double Trouble: Doubling and Redoubling.
Chapter 16: Hitting Hard: Slam Bidding.
Part V: Playing a Strong Defense and Keeping Score.
Chapter 17: Defending against Notrump Contracts.
Chapter 18: Defending against Trump Contracts.
Chapter 19: Playing Second Hand.
Chapter 20: Wrapping Up with Scorekeeping.
Part VI: Becoming Addicted to Bridge.
Chapter 21: Joining Bridge Clubs and the Tournament World.
Chapter 22: Playing Bridge on Your Computer and the Internet.
Part VII: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 23: Ten Ways to Be Kind to Your Partner.
Chapter 24: Ten Great Bridge Resources (Besides This Book).
Eddie Kantar, a transplanted Californian, is one of thebest-known bridge writers in the world. He has more than 30 bridgebooks in print, some translated into 8 languages, and is a regularcontributor to the Bulletin, The Bridge World, Bridge Today, and many other bridge publications.
Eddie, a two-time World Champion, is highly regarded as a playerand known as one of bridge’s great ambassadors.
Eddie learned to play bridge at age 11. By the time he was 17, hewas teaching the game to his friends. Eddie was so enthusiasticabout bridge that he often took his bridge books to school, hidingthem behind his textbooks so that the teachers couldn’t seehim reading about bridge during class. At the University of Minnesota, where Eddie studied foreign languages, he taught bridgeto pay his tuition.
Eddie gained stature as a player by winning 2 World Championshiptitles and 11 North American Championships. His North Americantitles include wins in the Spingold Knockout Teams, the Reisinger Board-a-Match Teams, the Vanderbilt Knockout Teams, and the Grand National Teams. Eddie is a Grand Master in World Bridge Federationrankings and an ACBL Grand Life Master. Today Eddie is best knownas a writer, and many of his books are considered classics. Whennot playing bridge or writing about the subject, he can be foundplaying paddle tennis (an offshoot of tennis) or bridge at thepaddle tennis courts at Venice Beach (come and join the fun ineither game). By the way, Eddie is the only person ever to haveplayed in both a World Bridge Championship and a World Table Tennis Championship (he did better at bridge).
Eddie was inducted into the Bridge Hall of Fame in 1996, the sameyear he was inducted into the Minnesota State Table Tennis Hall of Fame.