In this book, Edir Macedo shows how faith has nothing to do with religion, but with life. 50 Tips to Shield Your Faith explains that faith sustains us and allows us to see the impossible. Overcoming our journey through each day’s desert on the way to eternal life demands the cultivation of loyalty and character. Make sure that your faith is not just theory, but is lived out on a daily basis. This requires total commitment. We all have the ability to develop a strong faith. And so through your own wilderness journey, be inspired by Edir Macedo’s tips, and fight to stand firm in the faith. You can make it!
TIP 50 Beware of the company you keep
TIP 49 Reject bad thoughts
TIP 48 Fight against doubts
TIP 47 Be generous
TIP 46 Keep your faith pure
TIP 45 Sacrifice
TIP 44 Keep your partnership with God
TIP 43 Don’t follow your heart
TIP 42 Never stop winning souls
TIP 41 Preserve your mind
TIP 40 Remember that you’re just a clay vessel
TIP 39 Everything you do, do for God
TIP 38 Let God take care of your affairs
TIP 37 Don’t try to find out what other people are saying about you
TIP 36 If you’ve made a mistake, ask for forgiveness and move on
TIP 35 Always forgive
TIP 34 Have a spiritual view of the world
TIP 33 Learn to demand from God what He’s promised
TIP 32 Let money be your servant, not your master
TIP 31 Don’t try to hide who you are from God
TIP 30 Have balance
TIP 29 Bless your enemies
TIP 28 Don’t listen to words of defeat
TIP 27 Know when it’s time to pray and when it’s time to take action
TIP 26 Depend only on God
TIP 25 Understand the Word, don’t just memorise it
TIP 24 Keep your mind in the present
TIP 23 Reject anxiety
TIP 22 Take responsibility for your life
TIP 21 Beware of the enemy’s proposals
TIP 20 If God is your Father, listen to Him!
TIP 19 Take possession of God’s promise
TIP 18 Believe without a doubt
TIP 17 Be willing
TIP 16 Don’t panic because of persecution
TIP 15 Be God’s image in this world
TIP 14 Watch at all times
TIP 13 Be faithful in tithes and offerings
TIP 12 Honour your word
TIP 11 Be like a child
TIP 10 Don’t let your anger turn against you
TIP 9 Beware of false Christians
TIP 8 Don’t attempt to widen the gate
TIP 7 Don’t be afraid of the enemy’s threats
TIP 6 Stop coping with problems
TIP 5 Don’t let your tongue make you sin
TIP 4 Please God, not people
TIP 3 Test God
TIP 2 Acknowledge God in all your ways
TIP 1 Invest in your salvation above all else
One of the prominent evangelical leaders globally, Bishop Macedo is also a renowned author with over 50 books published and 4 million copies sold. Among his bestsellers are the autobiographical trilogy Nothing to Lose, In the Footsteps of Jesus, and The Holy Spirit.