This book may seem a simple accumulation of twenty-one public space projects in eight Latin American cities. On closer inspection, the presentation of project descriptions, photographs, and annotated drawings reflects a concern to analytically explain the operative aspects at work.
The publication is not intended to serve only as a catalogue, guide, or manual on how to produce public space in spontaneous settlements. Rather, it goes beyond the aims of an index of best practices. It is intended, instead, as an empirical base for a critical and theoretical engagement with the problematic of development, social inclusion, public investment, (in)formal settlement, civil society and the public sphere. The publication achieves its final function at this third level, by providing a compelling argument to expand the agency of architects and urban designers and creatively find ways of justifying, financing, and building public spaces in communities —spaces that have a catalytic effectiveness in achieving significant urban and social transformation.
This book was awarded by a Graham Foundation Grant and CAF Development Bank of Latin America.
72 Linear parks along the Estero Salado | Guayaquil, Ecuador
80 National Park Babil.nia and Chap.u Mangueira | R.o de Janeiro, Brasil
88 Urban agriculture along the Rimac River | Lima, Peru
96 Moravia Ecological Park | Medellin, Colombia
104 Plaza La Cruz, La Palomera | Caracas, Venezuela
112 El Guasmo Beach, floodable park | Guayaquil, Ecuador
120 Safety plazas in Santa Mar.a El Triunfo | Lima, Peru
128 Recovery of the Juan Bobo Creek | Medellin, Colombia
136 Northeast metrocable parks Comuna 1, La Popular | Medell.n, Colombia
144 Barrio Las Independencias escalators and walkways | Medellin, Colombia
152 Funicular in Dona Marta | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
160 Complexo do Alem.o | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
168 Ecotecnia Urbana Miravalle | Mexico City, Mexico
176 Pavement, paths and stairs Cerro Santo Doming and Cerro Toro |, Chile
184 Cerro Santa Ana urban rehabilitation | Guayaquil, Ecuador
192 Fernando Botero Library | Medellin, Colombia
200 Moravia Cultural Center | Medellin, Colombia
208 Espa.o Crian.a and community programs | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
216 Plaza in Villa Tranquila | Buenos Aires, Argentina
224 Casa Kolacho Comuna 13 | Medellin, Colombia
232 Afro Reggae Cultural Center | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
240 Alto Per. | Lima, Peru
248 El Calvario Puertas Abiertas | Caracas, Venezuela
Elisa Silva is director and founder of Enlace Arquitectura 2007 and Enlace Foundation 2017,
established in Caracas, Venezuela. Projects focus on raising awareness of spatial inequality and the
urban environment through public space, the integration of informal settlements and community
engagement in rural landscapes. Public space interventions in informal settlements through didactic
and participatory methodologies are central to the firm´s practice and were awarded in the XX
Architecture and Urbanism Biennial in Valparaiso, Chile 2017.
She has co-authored Pro-Inclusion: Practical tools for the integral development of Latin American
cities (CAF Development Bank of Latin America, 2016) presented at Habitat III in Quito; and CABA
Cartography of the Caracas Barrios 1966-2014 (Fundación Espacio 2015), widely recognized as a
seminal contribution to the city´s urban history records. Elisa was awarded the Wheelwright
Fellowship in 2011 and the Rome Prize from the American Academy in Rome in 2005. She was
Design Critic in Landscape Architecture at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design in 2018
and has taught workshops at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain and the
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú in Lima, Peru. She has taught at the Simón Bolívar University
in Caracas, Venezuela since 2011 and is a consultant to CAF and UN Habitat. Elisa grew up between
St. Louis and Venezuela.