The Welsh Valleys, 1865. Impoverished smallholder Dafydd Rhys, his headstrong daughter Lisa and their family emigrate with friends to unknown Patagonia, at the tip of South America, where they are promised a life free from the pits and from punishment for speaking their own language. But can Dafydd find the strength to lead his people to overcome the tragedies and disasters they will face? Ticket to Paradise is historical fiction at its best, based on the true story of the mass emigration from Wales to the uncharted lands of Patagonia 150 years ago when a pioneering spirit was crucial. It includes a wealth of characters brought vividly to life who populate this tale of battles against injustice, bitter rivalries and the terrible forces of nature. At its core is the story of one family’s quest to carve out a better life for themselves and their descendants.
Elizabeth Morgan is a writer, playwright and actor from Llanelli, Wales. She has had four books published, including two non-fiction volumes on France, a novel and a guide to drama. Thirty-four of her plays plus several of her short stories have been performed in the theatre, on television and on BBC Radio 4. She has worked as an actor in theatre, film, television and radio in a variety of diverse roles ranging from the French concierge in the iconic sports comedy film Grand Slam, to Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood, which she per- formed with Anthony Hopkins, and the voices of Destiny and Rhapsody Angel in Gerry Anderson’s much-loved Captain Scarlet. She toured the USA for over five years with her two one-woman plays and has taught and directed in several of Britain’s major drama schools. She divides her time between Cardiff and the South of France.