Professional learning and development for all teacher educators through stories of practice and carefully structured coaching questions.
This book provides all teacher educators, wherever they are based, with key opportunities for professional learning and development, especially in relation to the new initial teacher education (ITE) core content framework and the new early career framework. A range of detailed narratives about practice have been written by teacher educators, for teacher educators, and are carefully curated by the author to draw out key learning points, including a range of coaching questions. Of interest for individuals and groups of teacher educators, and especially those working in partnerships, the book also contains research- and practice-informed guidance that can be used in professional development sessions.
Elizabeth White taught science in schools in England before moving into teacher education through mentoring and tutoring on the Graduate Teacher Programme. She was involved in setting up the School Direct Initial Teacher Education Programme in the School of Education at the University of Hertfordshire, where she leads mentor development and partnership work. She realizes how few readily accessible resources are available to those leading teacher educator development. She is currently co-leading an international research project on school- and university-based teacher educators working in partnerships and their professional development needs.