Catastrophic risk is one of the most significant and challenging
areas of corporate risk management. Analyze this risk for your
company with Catastrophic Risk and make sure you have
sufficient resources to absorb losses and avoid financial distress.
The first comprehensive volume to address this topic from a
financial perspective, this book is a guide to the worst financial
risks threatening companies and industries today. Author Eric Banks
begins with a consideration of ?catastrophe? and its mplications,
looks at the state of actuarial and financial modelling of
catastrophe risks, and discusses the creation of a risk management
framework that will enable the efficient and secure management of
exposure. Catastrophic Risk is essential reading if you’re a
corporate treasurer, CFO, or insurance/financial risk manager
responsible for corporate risk management. Order your copy
ERIK BANKS, an independent risk consultant, writer, and lecturer, has held senior risk management positions at several global financial institutions over the past 20 years, including Merrill Lynch, Citibank, and XL Capital. He is the author of 18 books on risk, derivatives, governance, and merchant banking, including the John Wiley titles Alternative Risk Transfer, Exchange-Traded Derivatives, The Simple Rules of Risk, and E-Finance.