ผู้เขียน: Eva Raymond

Born in Slovakia, she studied modern literature, project management and cultural mediation in Paris. After living there for 15 years, she now lives in Vienna, Austria. Passionate about languages and literature, she publishes her first children”s book in French, English, and German “The Cat from Across the Way”. Written in 2 volumes, the first one is called Chocolate, and the second one, Caramel. The book is for children but also for adults, by covering topics such as friendship, tolerance, and diversity …

3 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Eva Raymond

Eva Raymond: The Cat From Across the Way
This is the story of a cat called Bianco, who meets a dog named Chocolate. Both so different and yet so close. From this chance encounter grows a deep friendship based on shared values and companions …
Eva Raymond: Der Kater von gegenüber
Diese Geschichte handelt von der Begegnung zwischen einer Katze, White, und einem Hund, Chocolat. Trotz aller Unterschiede kommen sich die beiden näher. Es entsteht eine tiefe Freundschaft, die von g …
Eva Raymond: Le chat d’en face
C’est l’histoire d’un chat, White, qui rencontre un chien, Chocolat. Tous les deux si différents et pourtant si proches. Cette rencontre fait naître une amitié profonde avec des valeurs et beaucoup d …