Supercharging has long been established as the most successful means to maximize power output from a specific engine size. Through supercharging, the inlet air density is increased, usually by means of a compressor, and by doing so the amount of air trapped in the cylinders is increased accordingly. As a result, efficient burning of a proportionately higher amount of fuel is enabled. By far, the most successful version of supercharging is turbocharging. Here, the expansion in a turbine of the exhaust gases leaving the cylinders supplies the power needed to drive the compressor. At the moment, practically all diesel engines are turbocharged, with a continuously increasing penetration in the highly competitive market of SI-powered vehicles. The current book on turbochargers and turbocharging, comprising fifteen chapters, gathers important and novel research on many modern aspects of turbocharging for all kinds of gasoline and diesel-powered engine applications (automotive, truck, marine and aircraft). For example, characterization of the value proposition of turbocharged vehicles, marine engines turbo-compounding, fundamental issues of turbocharger lag and its relation with engine-out PM emissions, variable geometric compressors, automotive two-stage turbocharging, and dynamic operation of turbochargers including VGT and surging effects are amongst the topics analyzed.Review papers form a very important part of the book, namely the discussion and in-depth analysis of various automotive boosting systems, turbocharger reduced-order modeling, heat transfer and pulsating flows in turbomachinery, mathematical models for turbocharged engines, and turbomachine-based engine throttling.A considerable portion of the book (seven chapters) deals with control-oriented modeling techniques relating to the turbocharger and/or the whole engine power-plant. Such models have proven valuable during the design of both turbochargers and turbocharged engines, and are described and discussed in detail for a variety of automotive and aircraft applications.The book is written for post-graduate students, engineers and researchers in the field of internal combustion engines (diesel and SI) and turbochargers.