Luc Amkreutz is curator of Prehistoric Collections at the National Museum of Antiquities in the Netherlands. He has been working with LBK sites in the Netherlands and adjacent areas, focusing on settlement dynamics and networks. His research also deals with the process of Neolithisation in north-west Europe in general and the role and position of indigenous wetland communities in the Lower Rhine Area.Fabian Haack is currently curating an exhibition of circum-alpine Neolithic and Bronze Age lake-dwellings at the Archaeological Museum Baden-Württemberg. Based on his excavations at the LBK site of Herxheim in the Palatinate, he has worked on Neolithic bone and antler artefacts and on enclosures. His research focuses on depositional practices and taphonomic processes.Daniela Hofmann is a Junior Professor at Hamburg University. Her main research interests are centred on the architecture, burial rites and anthropomorphic figurines of the early Neolithic of central Europe. She has also addressed these issues through her work in research projects based on isotopic analyses and radiocarbon dating. Ivo van Wijk is a regional specialist at Archaeological Research Leiden (ARCHOL). His research covers early Neolithic settlement dynamics and the composition of the cultural landscape in the southern Netherlands. In addition to excavating, he is involved in a variety of community participation projects concerning the various aspects of archaeology.
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Luc Amkreutz & Fabian Haack: Something Out of the Ordinary? Interpreting Diversity in the Early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik and Beyond
More than 7000 years ago, groups of early farmers (the Linearbandkeramik, or LBK) spread over vast areas of Europe. Their cultural characteristics comprised common choices and styles of execution, wi …