The purpose of this book is to encourage people who are struggling with understanding how a loving God seemingly allows evil in the lives of his children-that He jealously protects-and for the maturing of his children-whom He sincerely loves. The book, which is a result of a personal journey in the author’s life and ministry, is a remarkable blending of an exposition of the biblical book of Habakkuk and a firsthand account of the contemporary struggles faced by believers in Africa. The author identifies with Habakkuk’s struggles and sees how they apply generally to his own fellow Africans.
More than merely identifying with Habakkuk’s plight, however, the author also sees how Habakkuk worked through his struggles to a mature view of God’s sovereignty and the necessity for a vital faith that trusts the Lord no matter what. This book will encourage you with its positive message of God’s ultimate goodness-even in the midst challenging circumstances-and it will motivate you to submit your life to him, so that you may triumph over those circumstances through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Faustin Ntamushobora (Ph D, Biola University) is from Rwanda. He is President and CEO of Transformational Leadership in Africa and serves as Adjunct Professor at Biola University and International Leadership University, Nairobi, Kenya. He is the author of From Trials to Triumphs and several articles published in Evangelical Missions Quarterly and Common Ground Journal.