This is an engaging interdisciplinary guide to the unique role of language within ethnography.
The book provides a philosophical overview of the field alongside practical support for designing and developing your own ethnographic research. It demonstrates how to build and develop arguments and engages with practical issues such as ethics, transcription and impact.
There are chapter-long case studies based on real research that will explain key themes and help you create and analyse your own linguistic data. Drawing on the authors’ experience they outline the practical, epistemological and theoretical decisions that researchers must take when planning and carrying out their studies.
Other key features include:
- A clear introduction to discourse analytic traditions
- Tips on how to produce effective field notes
- Guidance on how to manage interview and conversational data
- Advice on writing linguistic ethnographies for different audiences
- Annotated suggestions for further reading
- Full glossary
This book is a master class in understanding linguistic ethnography, it will of interest to anyone conducting field research across the social sciences.
Ethnography and Language
Linguistic Ethnography
Data in Linguistic Ethnography
Doing Research in Linguistic Ethnography: Building the Case
Case study one: Reflexivity, voice and representation in linguistic ethnography
Case study two: Researching feedback conferences in pre-service teacher training
Case study three: Ethnography and the workplace
Case study four: Ethnography, language and healthcare planning
Practical Issues in Linguistic Ethnographic Research
Empiricism, ethics and impact
Transcription, translation and technology
Writing up: genres, writer voice, audience
Ways forward
Angela Creese is Professor of Educational Linguistics at the School of Education, University of Birmingham, and deputy director of the MOSAIC Centre for Research on Multilingualism. In the last ten years she has been funded to work in large multilingual research teams to research multilingualism. Her research interests are in linguistic ethnography, language ecologies, multilingualism in society and multilingual classroom pedagogy. Her publications include Heteroglossia as Practice and Pedagogy (with Adrian Blackledge, 2014, Springer); The Routledge handbook of Multilingualism (2012, with Marilyn Martin-Jones and Adrian Blackledge); Multilingualism: A Critical Perspective (with Adrian Blackledge, 2010, Continuum); Volume 9: Ecology of Language, Encyclopedia of Language and Education (2009); Teacher Collaboration and Talk in Multilingual Classrooms (2005) and Multilingual Classroom Ecologies (2003).