In a clear and compelling voice, Frances Hesselbein delivers key leadership lessons. Tracing her own development as a leader, she narrates the critical moments that shaped her personally and professionally: from her childhood in Pennsylvania, to moving up from Girl Scout troop leader to Girl Scout CEO, to founding and leading the Leader to Leader Institute, to her friendships and experiences with some of the greatest leaders and thinkers of our time. Each chapter includes an inspirational story, a key lesson and how to apply it to daily life.
Foreword by Jim Collins vii
Introduction: Being Called Forward 1
Part One Roots 9
1 Stories of Family, Lessons of Love 11
2 Embrace the Defining Moment 27
3 Defining Yourself with the Power of No 39
Part Two My Leadership Journey 47
4 My Management Education 49
5 New York Calls 71
6 Challenging the Gospel 83
7 Becoming a Change Agent 93
8 Finding Out Who You Are 107
9 My Journey with Peter Drucker 115
10 The Indispensable Partnership–Governance and Management, Board and Staff 131
11 Strengthening the Leadership of the Social Sector 141
12 Adventures Around the World 153
Part Three Concerns and Celebrations 167
13 To Serve is to Live 169
14 Seeing and Listening 183
15 Leaders of the Future 193
16 Conclusion: Shine a Light 205
About the Author 219
Index 221
FRANCES HESSELBEIN is the president and CEO of the Leader to Leader Institute (formerly the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management), and editor in chief of the award-winning quarterly journal Leader to Leader as well as coeditor of 27 books translated into 29 languages. Named the ‘Best Nonprofit Manager in America’ by Fortune magazine, she serves on many nonprofit and corporate boards and has won numerous awards and honors including the highest civilian honor in the United States, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The award recognized her exemplary leadership as CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA from 1976 to 1990, her role as the founding president of the Drucker Foundation, and her service as ‘a pioneer for women volunteerism, diversity, and opportunity.’