3 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Francesco Fulvio Faletra
Francesco Fulvio Faletra & Gila Perk: Real-Time 3D Interventional Echocardiography
Advances in technology and human skill have made possible percutaneous catheter-based procedures for a wide spectrum of structural heart disease. A growing number of structural heart diseases that o …
Francesco Fulvio Faletra: L’ecocardiografia nella valvulopatia mitralica
Questo volume di ecocardiografia si propone di trattare il tema della valvola mitrale nei suoi aspetti normali e patologici, aggiornandone la trattazione in base ai più recenti sviluppi della tecnolo …
Francesco Fulvio Faletra: Echocardiography in Mitral Valve Disease
This book provides a comprehensive account of the role of echocardiography in patients with mitral valve disease. The normal echocardiographic anatomy of the mitral valve is first presented, and the …