The so-called first war of the twenty-first century actually began more than 2, 300 years ago when Alexander the Great led his army into what is now a sprawling ruin in northern Afghanistan. Frank L. Holt vividly recounts Alexander’s invasion of ancient Bactria, situating in a broader historical perspective America’s war in Afghanistan.
List of Illustrations
Preface to 2012 Edition
Foreword by Peter Green
Chapter One. Introduction
The Crosshairs of History
A Deeper Perspective
Chapter Two. Hunting The Enemy
City of Bones
Chapter Three. A Desperate Struggle
Shock Waves
Chapter Four. The Hydra Heads Of Bactria
A Prophecy
A Death
Chapter Five. Love And War
Little Star of Hope
More Opposition
Chapter Six. Dark Shadows
Chapter Seven. The Legacy
Lost and Found
And Sometimes Lost Again
Chapter Eight. Conclusion
Plato Who?
Lady Moon
Appendix. Ancient Sources
Frank L. Holt, Professor of History at the University of Houston, is the author of Lost World of the Golden King, Alexander the Great and the Mystery of the Elephant Medallions, and Thundering Zeus, all published by UC Press.