For reasons both financial and environmental, there is a perpetual need to optimize the design and operating conditions of industrial process systems in order to improve their performance, energy efficiency, profitability, safety and reliability. However, with most chemical engineering application problems having many variables with complex inter-relationships, meeting these optimization objectives can be challenging. This is where Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) is useful to find the optimal trade-offs among two or more conflicting objectives.
This book provides an overview of the recent developments and applications of MOO for modeling, design and operation of chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, energy and related processes. It then covers important theoretical and computational developments as well as specific applications such as metabolic reaction networks, chromatographic systems, CO2 emissions targeting for petroleum refining units, ecodesign of chemical processes, ethanol purification and cumene process design.
Multi-Objective Optimization in Chemical Engineering: Developments and Applications is an invaluable resource for researchers and graduate students in chemical engineering as well as industrial practitioners and engineers involved in process design, modeling and optimization.
Gade Pandu Rangaiah has been with the National University of Singapore since 1982, and is Professor in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. His research interests are in control, modeling and optimization of chemical, petrochemical and related processes. Prof. Rangaiah published 130 papers in international journals and presented around 100 papers in conferences. He has received several awards for his teaching including Annual Teaching Excellence Awards from NUS for four consecutive years. He has edited two books for World Scientific, and has one book in production with Wiley.
Adrian Bonilla-Petriciolet has been with the Instituto Tecnologico de Aguascalientes, Mexico, since 2001 and is currently Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Head of Research Programs. His research interests include stochastic global optimization, applied thermodynamics, modeling and optimization of chemical processes. He has published more than 30 papers in international journals and refereed conference proceedings in the broad areas of process modeling and optimization.