ผู้เขียน: Gaspare Polizzi

Giuseppe Mussardo is full professor of Theoretical Physics at SISSA. Author of several articles on the history of science and documentary films, he was awarded the 2013 Prize of Società Italiana di Fisica for Science Dissemination. His previous book, The ABC’s of Science (L’alfabeto della scienza), has been translated by Springer. Gaspare Polizzi is a professor of Social Pedagogy at the University of Pisa and is the author of many books. He studies the relation between art and science, and the history of scientific and philosophical thinking.

2 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Gaspare Polizzi

Coniglione, Francesco & Polizzi, Gaspare: Manuale di base di storia della filosofia
Il ‘Manuale di base’, attraverso una struttura innovativa e una scrittura snella e di facile comprensione, si propone come testo fondamentale per coloro che si avvicinano per la prima volta alla stor …
Giuseppe Mussardo & Gaspare Polizzi: Sky and Earth
700 years after Dante Alighieri’s death, this book intertwines the voice of the great poet with that of an exceptional contemporary, Marco Polo, who was equally curious about the geography of both ea …