Pablo Servigne is an agronomist with a Ph D in biology.
Raphaël Stevens is an eco-adviser and co-founder of the consulting office Greenloop.
Gauthier Chapelle is an agronomist, co-founder of Greenloop and founder of Biomimicry Europa.
3 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Gauthier Chapelle
Pablo Servigne & Raphaël Stevens: Another End of the World is Possible
The critical situation in which our planet finds itself is no longer in doubt. Some things are already collapsing while others are beginning to do so, increasing the possibility of a global catastrop …
Pablo Servigne & Gauthier Chapelle: Mutual Aid
In the merciless arena of life, we are all subject to the law of the jungle, to ruthless competition and the survival of the fittest – such is the myth that has given rise to a society that has becom …
Pablo Servigne & Raphaël Stevens: Otro fin del mundo es posible
¿Es posible recuperarse de un diluvio de noticias catastrofistas? ¿De qué manera podemos pasar del derrotismo a la esperanza? ¿Cómo podemos gestionar el colapso con inteligencia en el plano material, …