If you want to achieve something, if you want to write a book, paint a picture, be sure the center of your existence is somewhere else and that it’s solidly grounded; only then will you be able to keep your cool and laugh at the attacks that are bound to come. ” P. Feyerabend This is a book about interdisciplinary public health reasoning and epidemic m- th elling, in general, and the study of the infamous 14 century AD Black Death d- aster, in particular. We focus on the intellectual context in which epidemic mod- ling takes place, in a way that accounts for the present-day interdisciplinary and multicultural trends in scientific inquiry. Like most scientific fields, public health research defines itself based on knowledge, which raises serious epistemic and cognitive issues. Therefore, we maintain that for public health modellers to fu- tion in an often complex environment, they should be aware of the divergent c- ceptions of knowledge and the technological changes that these imply, the mul- ple sources of information commonly available and their reliability, the different styles of thinking adopted by the disciplines involved, and the importance of – veloping sound interdisciplinary knowledge integration skills.
Toward an Interdisciplinary Methodology.- Stochastic Modelling.- Black Death: The Background.- Mathematical Formulation of the Knowledge Bases.- Spatiotemporal Mapping of the Epidemic.- Epea Pteroenta.