Knowledge of Catholic educational scholarship and research has been largely confined to specific national settings. Now is the time to bring together this scholarship in an international Handbook reflecting the fact that the Catholic Church is an international organisation and that its various educational systems can learn from each other.
The unifying theme of the Handbook will be ‘Catholic Education: challenges and responses’ in a number of international settings. The analytical focus will be problem orientated in examining church-state relations, the consequences of globalisation, the impact of secularisation, the extent of Vatican II transformations of educational policy and practice, issues of school leadership and governance and other contemporary challenges. At the same time an examination will be undertaken of the various responses which are being made to these challenges. The two volumes will be organized by geography.
The Americas And Europe.- Catholic Schools Facing the Challenges of the 21St Century: an Overview.- No Margin, No Mission: Challenges for Catholic Urban Schools in the USA.- Challenges to Faith Formation in Contemporary Catholic Schooling in the Usa: Problem and Response.- Developments in Catholic Schools in the USA: Politics, Policy, and Prophesy.- Contemporary Challenges to the Recruitment, Formation, and Retention of Catholic School Leadership in the USA.- Beyond Religious Congregations: Responding To New Challenges In Catholic Education.- Challenges for Catholic Schools in Canada*.- Secularization: Challenges for Catholic Schools in Uruguay.- A Theological-Pedagogical Turning Point in Latin America: A New Way of Being School in Brazil.- Catholic Schools in Peru: Elites, the Poor, and the Challenge Of Neoliberalism.- The Catholic School in the Context of Inequality: the Case of Chile.- Catholic Education, State and Civil Society in Argentina.- Catholic Education at the Crossroads: Issues Facing Catholic Schools in Northern Ireland.- Catholic Schools in England and Wales: New Challenges.- Celebrating the Past: Claiming the Future.- The Education Battle: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Spanish Education System.- Contemporary Political Relations of Catholic Education: Challenges for Catholic Schools in Portugal.- Ccatholic Schooling in France: Understanding “La Guerre Scolaire”.- Theologizing With Children a New Paradigm for Catholic Religious Education in Belgium.- Towards a Sub Participative Identity: Catholic Education in the Netherlands in Search of a New Approach.- Secularisation and Catholic Education in Scotland.- Catholic Schooling and the Changing Role of Women: Perspectives from Malta.- The Catholic School System in Italy: Challenges, Responses, and Research.- Challenges Facing Catholic Schools: A View from Rome.- Contemporary Challenges for Catholic Schools in Germany.- Challenges for Catholic Education in Poland.- Religious Congregations at Work in Education—With Special Reference to Belgium.- Africa, The Middle East, Asia, And Australasia.- Catholic Church and State Relations in Zambian Education: A Contemporary Analysis.- A Beacon of Hope: Catholic Schooling in South Africa (and Lesotho).- Catholic Schooling: Responses of Malawian Students.- The Challenge of Curriculum in Kenya’s Primary and Secondary Education: The Response of the Catholic Church.- Catholic Education in Ethiopia: Challenges and Prospects.- Catholic Education and the Church’s Concern for the Marginalized: A View From India.- Contemporary Challenges to Faith Formation in Indian Catholic Schooling.- Catholic Education in India: Challenge, Response, and Research.- Schooling and Catechesis in the Holy Land: Challenges and Responses.- Catholic Schools in the Philippines: Beacons of Hope in Asia.- Ethics, Moral, and Social Responsibility Formation of Students: Contemporary Challenges for Catholic Schools in Thailand.- Challenges for the Schools of the Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres in Thailand: A Case Study Account.- Challenges for Catholic Schooling in Hong Kong.- Catholic Schools in Japan: Context and Contemporary Challenges.- Challenges for Catholic Education in Australia.- Australian Catholic Schools in a Changing Political and Religious Landscape.- Religion and Culture: Catholic Schools in Australia.- Catholic Schools in New Zealand.