Obscure Meaning of Poetry
Meaning to consign a linear line so fine it vanishes into obscurity
Meaningful verse long or terse from impromptu incredulity
Really intending to append merely as invisible ink
Thinking this will be revealed if a reading solution is applied I think
Therefore tense without pretense of what is concealed will be revealed
Moreover, appeal to your good sense if sensibility is so willed
What I really mean is of course is no recourse to an elementary discourse
Therefore, intend to score my lines indelibly with incredibly little force
Born in London, England. I was a shy, sensitive child; as one of four brothers and, the least keen for school life! School zeal was limited for only: English and Art, Showing aptitudes for English composition and abstract painting to win successive Art prizes at end of school terms. I wrote my first poem of any note at 12 yrs of age and, at the same age, received my first Art prize – a book! Whilst self-educating and maturing, I seldom focused my creative energies until middle-age therein writing a sci-fi novel moreover Art sales and single poems published. Sharing to facebook poetry groups during the last decade, I now share within this book a gleaned compilation to create a unique, imaginative and fact based, eclectic anthology: ‘Heights and Depths of Wonder’ of personal muse, reveries, emotions, moreover profound empathic links with creation and nature, to link with you the reader.