Italian translation of selection from Gillian Bickley’s published poetry made by her husband, Verner Bickley. "The three words of the title summarize the content of this collection of poems very well. Gillian Bickley’s poems are observational. The author, like a skilled bird, alights, now in one place, now in another, constantly moving, changing place and perspective to dedicate herself to her "sightings" with passionate scrutiny and analysis. With the touch and lightness of a bird, the author’s pen leaves her footprints, her impressions, her observations, her "thoughts" on the paper. The ‘poet-in-flight’ travels through space and time, alighting among her memories: – of a hall during a concert, trees she communicated with; wandering in a crowded street, whether in Hong Kong, an Andorran village, a town in the English countryside, experiencing and expressing at the same time nostalgia and "feelings" towards relatives and dear ones. A book to discover, reading it in silence … because silence is like gold …" -Angelo Rizzi