In Living the Sermon on the Mount, theologian and award-winning author Glen H. Stassen helps us to see that the revolutionary ideas in the Sermon on the Mount about loving and caring for each other, living in peace, and acting justly are not unattainable ideals but a recipe for wholeness and healing in our human relationships and deliverance from the vicious cycles that we get stuck in.
Editor’s Foreword ix
Preface xiii
Chapter 1 Seeking God’s Holy Presence on the Mountain1
Chapter 2 Participating with Joy in the Reign of God 17
Chapter 3 The Beatitudes 38
Chapter 4 Practicing Reconciliation and Keeping Our Covenants63
Chapter 5 Telling the Truth, Making Peace, Loving Our Enemies82
Chapter 6 The Prayer of Jesus 106
Chapter 7 Investing in God’s Reign and Restorative Justice125
Chapter 8 Forgoing Judgment for Forgiveness 144
Chapter 9 Practicing Loyalty to God, Not to Worldly Powers166
Chapter 10 How to Tell a True Ethic from a False One 184
Notes 203
For Further Reading 211
The Author 215
Index 217
Glen H. Stassen is Lewis B. Smedes Professor of Christian Ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary, a scholar in Christian ethics and biblical interpretation. He is the author of many articles and books including Kingdom Ethics (coauthored with David P. Gushee), which won Christianity Today’s award for best book of the year in theology or ethics