I moved to the University of Sussex in 1994 to become Professor of Psychology in the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences. Prior to that I was Professor of Psychology at The City University in London. I was the Subject Chair of Psychology from 1994 until April 2002. I have also held a number of offices in the British Psychological Society, including Chair of the Standing Conference Committee (1991-95), Honorary Editor of ′The Psychologist′ (1988-92), and President of the Society (2002-3). I have also been chair of the Society′s Board Of Trustees, Council, and Investigatory Committee. I have held a number of editorial posts with journals such as ′Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology′ and ′Behaviorial & Brain Sciences′. I am currently Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Experimental Psychopathology (https://journals.sagepub.com/home/epp)Follow me on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/Graham CLDavey
2 หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์โดย Graham C.L. Davey
Graham C.L. Davey: Clinical Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies
Clinical Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies traces 14 ground-breaking studies by researchers such as Leo Kanner, David T. Lykken and Aaron T. Beck to re-examine and reflect on their findings …
Graham C.L. Davey: Clinical Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies
Clinical Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies traces 14 ground-breaking studies by researchers such as Leo Kanner, David T. Lykken and Aaron T. Beck to re-examine and reflect on their findings …